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Our students

The school is designed for students who fall into four areas of need. Our students need support in communicating, cognition and learning, social and emotional development, physical development and sensory needs. Our students have been diagnosed with speech, language and learning delays, learning difficulties, ADHD, Autism, Down’s Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, amongst others. While we aim to support most needs, the school is designed as a classroom environment and is not resourced for a diagnosis that requires one-to-one support. We are unable to support students who are blind or deaf.


Speech & Language and Communication Needs, English as an Additional Language, Autism Spectrum Disorder & Asperger’s

2.Cognition and Learning:

ADHD, ADD, Moderate to Severe Learning Difficulty, Specific Learning Difficulty (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia)

3.Social & Emotional Development

Low Self-Esteem, Adjustment Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

4. Areas of Need/Support & Categories of Diagnoses

Hearing Impairment (hearing aids, adaptations to teaching strategies) Visual Impairment (Partially sighted, low vision) Physical Disability (don’t need 1:1 CP, Heart Disease, Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus) Medical Needs (don’t need 1:1, asthmas, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies)

Diagnoses We Work With: What We Can’t We Do
1. Mild to Moderate ASD 1. Deaf
2. ADHD 2. Blind
3. Down Syndrome 3. Psychosis
4. Learning and Language delays 4. One-to-one Support
5. Mild & Moderate Intellectual Disability 5. Aggressive & Unsafe Behavior

Education should be accessible to all. All community members should be able to benefit from high-quality education. Britus International School – Special Education operates a fair and transparent admissions process, with applicants to the school being accepted without selection based upon academic achievement or potential, ethnicity, religion, gender or any other possible form of discrimination. BISSE adheres to age and students need appropriate admissions according to the Bahrain Ministry of Education regulations. All required documentation must be received before the child is accepted.

At the admissions stage, children are assessed on their readiness to start learning at Britus International School – Special Education. The initial assessment pre-admission will also provide us with key information in relation to your child’s ability to socialize with children and adults and the way they interact with their surroundings. Learners will experience challenges but we are here to support that with your help.